Teresa Hernandez

Teresa E Hernandez

Played with the Salina Symphony since: Returned 2009, previously 1980-87

Hometown: Salina
Current City: Salina

Bachelor’s of Music Education, Marymount College
Master’s in Social Welfare (Social Work), University of Kansas

Job Title & Place of Employment:
Self-employed – owner of Hernandez Enterprises DBA/Great Playn’s Music Program

Earliest musical memory:
At about 6 years old, I was sweeping the basement floor with my sister who is seven years older than me. She was singing a tune that I knew so I started singing with her. She changed to a harmony part and I changed with her. She switched back up to the melody and I switched with her. She impatiently turned to me and said “choose one or the other!” I had no idea what she was talking about.

Best part of being a Salina Symphony musician:
Spending one evening a week with unique people I am sincerely fond of, and constructively, collaboratively working together with them to create beauty.

Most memorable performance with the Salina Symphony:
May of 1986 – I was a soloist with the Symphony, playing Dvorak’s Cello Concerto in B minor, with my beloved teacher, Eric Stein, conducting.

Favorite composer:
To play – Mahler, to listen to – too many to single out.

What song best describes you when you first wake up in the morning?
The opening of Dvorak’s Symphony #8

What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?
Mexican Trio music from the 1950s, songs written and recorded by friends, some African American gospel, Paul Halley and Eugene Friesen, Dvorak’s “New World” Symphony

How do you spend your free time?
If not involved in music, I’m involved in learning about community improvement/development through groups such as the Resilience Group and Spirituality Resource Center

Whom do you admire?
I admire local parents of young musicians who have to shuttle them everywhere, make sure they practice at home, get them to lessons, keep them connected and progressing, etc. I especially admire those parents who personally haven’t a clue about music. They are the heroes who believe in their child’s dream even when the discipline of perseverance wears down the child’s excitement. Hats off to all of you!

What is your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment was making it through my 30’s having shed some important, painful immaturity while retaining other less-painful and less-important immaturity.